Sunday, December 6, 2015


How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who brings good news. 
It is indeed very important to share the Gospel, but to what end? See, many of today's evangelism efforts seem to be focused on pushing the message outward. Yet, during Jesus's 3 years of ministry, He was more than happy to reject any new follower. Just look at Luke 9. 
We see suitability, we see fit, we see qualification, all of which almost seem to imply that we ought to be worthy of the Gospel. There is some degree of truth in this, but worthiness of the Gospel has nothing to do with how much we deserve it. It has everything to do with how willing we are to bear it. Bear because it is and will not be easy. Luke 9 told us to count the cost and pick up our cross. It leads to sacrifice, and it will cost us. 
So on this side of the world, I think it is important to remind us what it means to follow Christ. I ever read a book titled "Jesus's Freaks". It is a collection of the stories of Martyrs, so one of them wrote a note that reads like this: "do not worry for me, and pray only that I will cling on to my faith regardless of the situation. On the other hand, I worry for you, that the comfort of your environment will dull you into complacency and you would do away with the need to rely on God." 
This is the danger of a feel good Christianity. In my country, many people are generally well to do, and comfortable Christianity is a common thing. Being a Christian is almost equivalent to having a good fellowship, having a good job, having a good family, but Jesus clearly demanded a lot a lot more. 
I implore all of us to reflect upon our walk with Christ. In our prayer, what do we ask for; in our daily living, what do we prioritise on; how do we spend our money; how do we spend our time. Each will reveal an area of your heart; and then count the cost of following Christ. 
Discipleship is important, but discipleship is real as well. If we make discipleship into going through materials, or mere intellectual discussion of God's Word, then we are missing the point. Paul says, "imitate me as I imitate Christ". Few mentorship model illustrates the relationship better than that. So this reality of following Christ details into the cost, the consideration, the sacrifices and more. 
Evangelism without discipleship is like cleaning up a leak without repairing the crack. The church experience momentary spurt in number, but when difficult time strikes, the number dwindles. 
What it means to follow Christ- choose the bitter-sweet. It's very clear in the bible. Those who deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Him.

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