Sunday, January 19, 2014


I am looking for a tune to these words that I've written about 1 month back. It's a little atypical set of lyrics, irregular word counts, and super lengthy, but I'm not inclined to change any of the words. 
I'm praying for someone who catches the heart of this song to come along and give it a beautiful tune such that these words can minister to anyone who is on a difficult crossroad in life. 
Please drop me an email at if possible. Thank you so much!
May the goodness of my God pour out unto your life, and multiply manifold gifts and fruits as you steward well what that which has already been given to you! Much grace and much joy, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

Verse 1
Sometimes my heart wells;
Life circumstances made me ponder;
Why in life a hundred wails,
A thousand weeps;
And many more mourn their hearts.

Crying, I've had enough;
Stopping to try;
Closing my eyes;
My door slams shut, but You open a way.

You saw me from afar,
You caught me and I was thrown into Your embrace;
Healing my wounds, soothing my hearts,
By Your stripes, I am made new;
Jesus You made me whole again.

Verse 2
Yesterday my eyes swells;
Pain and sorrows stole love's wonder;
Moving on tears heart apart,
I couldn't linger;
To come unstuck, I trust in Your heart.

Verse 3
Since before time Your love compels;
Hope and joy, You promised answers;
By faith and not by my sight,
Your joy is my strength;
In Your Word, I want to believe.

Chorus 2
What could have destroyed my faith; 
I learnt to trust not doubt, knowing Your wonderful plan;
You have promised; You have first loved,
By Your grace, I've been restored;
Jesus You made me whole again.

I'll sing You prises;
I'll lift up Your name;
I'll declare Your love;
I'll love like You do.

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