Sunday, May 13, 2012

If not me, then who; if not here, then where; if not now, then when

If anywhere, if anytime, if anyone; what is better than here, now, me? 
It feels like a revival- not the typical outburst of manifestation, but a gradual brewing of excitement. I had a small burgeoning one leading up to my 21st just a little less than half a year back, and now it's back again stronger. This season had been littered with so much, and the fact that there was no specific occasion/cause for this made it anchor so much more deeply in Christ. 
It's a season of reflecting (not even learning) identity. To quote Aunty S, there were times when I just had some old things that I had to unlearn, and other times where I had to relearn. 
It could not have been easy, but each revelation was a step closer, a level higher, and the voice clearer. So it was really good. That book "Supernatural Ways of Royalty" spoke even more volume into my life, and then I realize what this is- a period of preparing me and molding me to the fulfillment of my calling. That message, those many prophecies which I had noted down in the various memory closets- they had seemed like distant calls beyond grasp, yet now when things slowly unfold distant does indeed seem more like an overstatement in light of eternity. The PREPARATION has begun!
I am beginning to claim my authority in Christ, my confidence in Christ, my security in Christ. These are all common terms, but when they fall on you, it's AMAZING! Imagine the courage to walk on water, going down the streets to bless strangers and so many crazy things that require no justification or rationalization except the crazy passion for God! If it means only eternal life secured, then how can a Christian life be fun like this? In contrast, if we become an active participant, and if we take on the mind, heart and soul of Christ, the transformation would have meant an innate inspiration/motivation to do what He would do- that is to pray, to heal, to bless, to minister... (and the list goes on). These are all good things, and I just thank God for the confidence I have adopted/rediscovered. Almost 2 years back, my confidence was shattered, and there were so much difficulty putting together the broken pieces, but today, just today as I write this post, I think I am made whole again! God is so awesomely wonderfully good!
I think there is a need for reality check. Not the one where we realize how tough life is or how realistic we must be in 'planning' our lives. After all, God works all things in the good of those who loves Him (Romans 8:28). But it's really the comprehension of what the life of a persecuted Christian is like: Imagine having the limbs chopped off for not renouncing the faith; or try imagining underground churched gathering for 8 hours or even more daily just to seek God; or try picturing the ostracism from family for taking on the faith; or perhaps becoming a subject of hate crime; abuse; threats; outcasting; deaths. Now, try imagining lives in other parts of the globe (not even necessarily Christian): having to walk many hours just to reach the nearest water source; wading through swamps and perhaps also through threats of crocs encounter just to travel from point to point; sleeping in housing conditions where hygiene standards are nowhere near even an E in Hawker standard (I have not seen an 'E' before though); or perhaps try imaging the precarious state of each meal being a possible last meal due to gun fires, poverty, poor hygiene or diseases.
Now, with all these images, I want to remind us that at this point in time, there're many someones out there in many areas not known to us, where each of the conditions that I have mentioned above, and even more that I might have missed out or been unaware of, that are taking place. As I type the post, things are happening, and lives are being lived in these areas. 
We might be glad that we stay in Singapore, that we are fortunate and that yea, they are pathetic and I feel for them, but let it stay at that. I am comfortable where I am. I may or may not be a Christian, but life is cool. It can be stressful sometimes, but hey I do get my occasional breaks and escapades or time out, whatever the term, but I'm satisfied where I am. Now comes the mind-blowing part: Jesus lives amongst them! Yes, He did and still does and will continue to do so. As much as He loves us, He loves them as well! Wow!
My heart sank many times whenever I hear about all these, but days of cruising and chasing after what the world has to offer (voluntary or not), always helped me to forget a little of that. Then it sunk again, this time with a heart string tugging so strong. What does being a Christian mean? And being given the privilege and that kind of authority, as I learn, as I grow, as I mature, it is time to be more involved! In the Kingdom of God, it's about adopting the Kingdom culture, and bringing the Kingdom of God with us into our workplace, our school, our family, our church, and everywhere else the we go! 
Isaiah 6:8
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said. 'Here am I. Send me!'"
If not me, then who; if not here, then where; if not now; then when?

With Jesus's best blessings and His deepest love,

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