Saturday, May 19, 2012

Knowledge is Power?

Einstein once famously said that "the more we know, the more that we know that we don't actually know." That fits aptly for the discovery and expounding of knowledge; and just as suitably it illustrates my walk in the Word. 

For the first time in 4 years, I have consciously finished reading the NT, and back to OT, very much to my own dismay, I discovered numerous forgotten/overlooked books. For one, the book of Ezekiel is one (before now) which I had a visitation record of nil. Together with it were some other recounts from the minor prophets. For a long period, I was satisfied with getting inspirational verses via verse-of-the-day sites, or supplementary readings. To put it, I was pretty much a Christian who never quite read the Word. 
But as a new season began, the fire got reignited, and the kind of consistency for the past 6 months had been unprecedented. Each day is a new day, a better day, a thankful day, and each day, a step closer to Home. I'm amazed at the distance I've covered, and looking up, I realize He had travelled much further to come to meet me.
Yet, the burden came in different volumes. Today's revelation came as a blow. "Kaboom!" It's a recognition of a common flaw, yet so common that it always gets overlooked, or even normalized. For the longest possible period that I remember, the 'power of prayer' is a notion which I have taken for a matter-of-fact- no analysis, no thoughts, even no sentiments. But in this new season; at this new level, the seismic shift forced me to look again. That knowledge hasn't quite been translated into behavior- powerful prayer, powerful it may be, had never quite been as powerful as it could have been. It has everything to do with the conviction (littered with a nonsensical enmeshment of convenience, laziness, ill-discipline etc.), and then the Right heart. 
Tonight I had a prayer session with my sister and we did some sharing. An authority given, and taken with discretion- I am accountable for my family! That prayer- the lost, the lukewarm, the stranded, the neglected. An active participant in God's plan means the acknowledgement of the power of prayer in practice. God bless K and R! 

Fellow Prince of the Kingdom,

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