I've always had the presumption that when God speaks, it has to be acknowledgeable. There was a short stint where I tried to convince myself that hearing God is so difficult, it's way easier to just attribute than to just look for it. Even for a young Christian like myself, the whole doctrine about God speaking through many means had already sunken in by then- that God speaks through the still small voice to Elijah, that God speaks through more than just words, that God can speak through people, speak through actions, speak through circumstances, speak through His Word (the bible) etc. A thousand and one possibilities and suggestions.
But that one that I sought, continued to be elusive. From everything I could lend my hands on- from older Christians to published Christian books- rather than to explain why the selected groups of people whom seemed to have been given the privilege to hear His voice, literally, many sought to encourage by suggesting the otherwise- all the other possibilities all over again. Schmitz's "Can You Talk Louder God" and Max Lucado's "When God Whispers Your Name" offer me little comfort, albeit both being great books to discuss about improving our relationship with God.
I yearn to hear His audible voice, and even today my ears continue to be sticking out to capture any that might flit by. Yet, at this point in time, the relationship had improved in leaps and bounds. It is no less when instead of hearing, we began seeing. And it all points back to realigning the relationship. This is a deep relationship that goes to the most fundamental- in a relationship, there are 2 parties, and each got to know their role in it. This understanding is crucial, but so often lacks the emphasis it deserves. In our relationship with Daddy, we are the children. By knowing that we are the children, we are assured of our Father's love for us. Matthew 7:11 says "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" In the same passage in Luke 11:13, the good gifts were referred to as the Holy Spirit (NIV). This son-ship/ daughter-ship identifies us who believe in Him.
That brings us to the next revelation, that our Daddy is a King (1 Timothy 6:15). So as the King's children, that make us all Princes and Princesses in His Kingdom. This is what I like most in a recent read by Kris Vallotton called "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty". By knowing that we are His children is a great deal. It gives us courage (because our Daddy is powerful and reliable), it gives us security (because our Daddy is rich and has abundant for us), it gives us confidence (because we will inherit the riches of His Kingdom), it gives us empowerment (because His blood flows in us: we are made in His likeness/image (Genesis 1:27)), it delights us (because He loves us (John 3:16) and He gives us good gifts (Matthew 7:11) and He does not disappoint us (Romans 5:5), and the list goes on. By that, we can be assured that Daddy seeks to talk to us, and He selects and picks the best timing (Jeremiah 29:11) for His plan to unfold, and that includes how and when He speaks to us.
In the recent days, I've had some pretty cool insights and encounter upon discovering my identity. 30 May 2012, I joined my 2 friends on a prayer walk and that was the first time the word of knowledge came upon me. Does it compare to hearing His audible voice, I reckon so. And when it comes, I ought to be able to live my spiritual life in a physical body already instead of living a physical life with a spirit. This word of knowledge had bypassed my conscience, and I probably would not even have realized if not for affirmation. There's a man who is going for an operation (and that information probably came at about late afternoon, 4/5-ish), I asked about the leg (that came at about 7), and the friend told me she had not told me anything about the leg. How had I known about it? I really don't know, and the 2 possibilities were that I got myself confused because I drew relations to another lady whom I've prayed for just a week before who really had a leg condition, or that God gave me that knowledge. Of course I would have wanted it to be the latter, but I was skeptical and I told Him, "if that knowledge is from You, reveal more of it to me, in a way that I can only attribute it to You, not confusion, not coincidence, but solely You." And then L called, and while talking to her, I somehow knew it's the knee. She had purposefully withheld the information from me, but the knowledge just came. I somehow just knew. So I asked for more details so that I could pray for him before the 30 May, but she told me to ask Him. It was a long drawn night, and I tried so hard, but nothing sinks in. On 30 May, while I was on my way to Chinatown, I was almost convinced that I'll just make a guess. In me, I was just so certain that it must have been the right knee. I mean by sheer logic, the right knee is so much more likely to suffer from strain and tear, but that knowledge refused to come. While at that, I had a massive ache in my left neck area, which I didn't pay much attention to. So off we headed to the Chinatown area, and had a fruitful time ministering to about 5 oldies. While on the way to meet that man, I sought affirmation (L knew exactly the condition) but she told me to ask him myself. When I met him, I did. It's the left knee area, and it was correct. Logic failed me, and ignorance bogged me, but the knowledge came. It's not even a guess because there was no need or intention for that at all. Has God spoken to me? I would say yes, though not the audible one that I had craved for. But this new confidence found in knowing my identity in Christ, and my relationship with God suggest that it's not really that important after all.
Today, that same sentiment applies- that it is easier to acknowledge than to seek His voice- but it is with a different attitude and mentality. Not one of helplessness like before, but one of gratitude. In this relationship, He gives good gifts, and He is the good Initiator. Our roles in it- to receive and thank Him. It is an active relationship on our side, and He listens keenly to our proposals and requests, but He sieves out the best for us in His all-knowing capacity. It is not work but grace through which the relationship blossoms, and that alone inspires plenty of gratitude (Ephesians 2:8).
Thank You indeed!
Your child, Prince Judah <3