I started going to church when I was 17; I adopted the practice of saying grace before meal; I learnt the Christianese and began littering my conversations with those lingo; I modelled my prayers on the most spiritual-looking person in church; I read the bible and many other Christian books; I go for occasional mission trips; I attend Christian conferences; I echo loudly yes and amen whenever the man in front preach a spiritual-sounding word and the list goes on. So, in a way many things changed. I became the public Christian, but that is not the kind of Christian the bible describes.
When you pray, do not use many words (Matthew 6:5); when you do good works, do not let your right hand know what your left hand does (Matthew 6:3), when you fast, act normal (Matthew 6:16). See, while there are many "Christian activities", the way we go about doing them are more internal than external; more God-centred than me-centred. The Christian way fixes the person. Yes, it fixes me rather than my circumstances. So, by becoming fixed, amongst the many things that change, I am the chief change. I have to change.
I pray that God would help me pray for my circumstances and surrender. I pray that God would help me stop fighting Him and let Him fight for me. I pray that I would surrender my all, so that I can win in all because I am on God's side. I pray that I would stop complaining, and stop seeing things with my physical eyes, and stop letting anger and bitterness determine my stance and attitude in all the places that I walk. I pray that in all these many difficult moments that are hard to come to terms with, I would be given that conscientious awareness that by trusting in God, that means I ought to duck by kneeling down. By fixing my eyes upon Him, His grace would flow into every aspect of my life. I pray that I would stop looking at things that I ought not to have control in and become disappointed, but to focus on the one vision that God has placed upon my life. I pray that in all these things, God would help me to become so reliant on Him, that the only fear that bothers me is the fear of becoming distant from Him. I pray that I will always pray.
The Christian Way is to pray.