I went back to my old blog to take a look and found links to some of my friends' old blogs- so nostalgic, feels so silly- all of us were that much younger just a short while back!
I must have been crazy. Finals are in a week, but I'm feeling the peace. I haven't prepared much, that is an understatement by the way (I am severely lacking in preparation). Not that I have been doing anything fruitful- just a lot of distraction, inability to focus, bad stints in the head, and ill-discipline. One side I just really want to say that I will go by faith and rely on God's strength, but that trade-off doesn't look justified in any sense. After all, those time that I have "squandered" away had not helped/served His purpose in any sense. "It's by grace and not by works..." So they said.
"My Redeemer" plays in the background, and it goes "I believe~, I believe!" Regardless of the context, I just want to put my trust and hope in my God! Whatever, however it may turn out, help the helpless me, and let me be convinced of Your plan for me.
I must have been crazy. Finals are in a week, but I'm feeling the peace. Tomorrow I will be taking the early ferry to Tanjong Pinang (my forth time there I think) for my church's mission outreach. I had wanted to commit after my commission, but it's been 9 months (ie. 9 trips) and the misses I had in between only serve to prick at my conscience. Yet, exams didn't feel like a good excuse, and I will be going ahead nevertheless. O Lord, bless Your people! May Your presence be fill the place, and the joy that comes from You overflow in the town!
I must have been crazy. I am only 21, but I am already a Godpa. My God son is 13 years old, a divine arrangement that never fails to marvel me- that the age gap is the same as the one I have with my Godpa. It is very exciting- for my God son and for my cell. That day I have finally decided on the name of my cell- MY cell. "MY" connotes an ownership that each individual will have a claim of that cell, and "MY" abbreviates for "aM Yours"- the humble submission of each individual to His sovereignty! I hope they like it, and I certainly pray that they are just as excited to embark on this new phase in life. O Lord, grant me the wisdom! May Your Spirit guide me as each of these lives, I take on to participate in their moulding. Just as Solomon humbly cried out to You, who am I indeed, that I should be worthy to lead this great people of Yours. Will You just teach me Your ways, and may this cell grow to glorify You!
I must have been crazy, crazy in the Lord's name!The joy that comes from Him, the source of peace that I tap from, the hope that I have in Him- crazy joy is a rational response to everything that may seem irrational!