Monday, September 26, 2016

When My Wrist Cracked

I had been looking forward to this day. 
It was a rare Sunday. My sister was sharing testimony on this day. Oh, and there was a soccer match on this day. I had managed to get some of my Navy friends to join us for the game and I was totally looking forward to a good time together. I was tired, but I was more excited than tired.

The long wait finally came to a halt, and the anticipation dissipated into adrenaline. The other team looked professional; we looked disorganised at best. We played okay for the first third; not conceding goals, and had our fair share of chances. On the contrary, I was gutted for not playing well, but I stayed on the pitch. I enjoyed it nevertheless, after weeks of eager anticipation. 

Then things started to go downhill, when we started making substitution and conceded our first of 4 or 5 goals. People were being substituted at different points, and the team was confused. Everyone had their own ideas of how the game should be played, and every idea was different.

Then it happened.

The opponent had an African player who was big and strong. Not exactly fast, but definitely powerful. Tactical shifts had put me in centre back and I had to cope, and support. One time, he was played through and was making a darting run down the centre. In an attempt to stop him, I closed him down, got into his path, and BAM! I knocked into a shifting wall. 

It all happened too quickly, and all I remember was me tumbling to the ground, feeling a numbing pain on my left wrist. I had thought it to be a shock from the impact, so I quickly got myself on my feet, right hand supporting my left, TRYING to carry on. I put my left hand behind my back in hope of getting some support, and continued running. One time I even took a THROW IN with a fractured wrist. It was only when the adrenaline subsided that I signalled for a substitution- I was making mistakes, and it was for the better of the team that I came off. 

Upon stepping off the field, I looked down and saw a bump on my left wrist. I thought it was a swell, and I pressed it- it was hard; it was my bone. I went around checking if it could be a fracture or dislocation, and that was when I was given some medical attention. 

I have been given 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave and won't be in action for the duration. 2 weeks later, if deemed necessary, I might upgrade from a half-cast to full-cast.

Meanwhile, it's gonna be a long 2 weeks. Thank you all for your well-wishes and concerns!

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