Like a tetris game played out in its horizontal plane,
each time a row clears,
each time I feel the liberating breeze.
3 weeks of absence does not condemn this period into its activity-less-ness. 3 months of summer break shrunk into the remaining 2 weeks as the majority of it had been spent in the military context. Dread and pain aside, I thank God for the experience, and definitely the mostly meaningful, and the meaningless, that I've gone through. It's finally finished, the eventually subsequently finally!
What awaits ahead is exciting, for a change! A novelty to begin with- as of now at least it seems like an extended period of meeting up with people, and hopefully some me-time! Everyone seems to already have a portion of me!
In any case, I'm thankful to be back here blogging...
It's funny how seasons in seasons out, the transition sees the nature does its broad strokes on the majestic master piece, yet the lively patches of spring underlays a passionate blaze of the summer's scorch, which underlays the soft fallen foliage of the autumn's breeze, on top of which is a layer of white beauty which calls for the comfort of a family cuddling. We do not move on from one season to the next; we grow into it. One does not simply go into Autumn without going through Summer, and likewise for any other precedences.
That same old issue, buried and uncovered, like the hidden treasure trove underneath that shallow sand. The wind blows to reveal an edge of the engravings, and the next time it blows, a fresh layer of sand covers it. Issues do not just disappear, they become a part of the landscape. The flatness relies on it.
Last entry I mentioned about the spirit of joy and how I came to reconciliation with a certain hurt, and it would have been the most desirable if a fairy tale ending entailed. It would have... seriously, except that it was me making the call. Then I realize how defensiveness is not an action but an attitude- how in refusing to 'argue', I chose grudges. This is a really deep issue- self-righteousness perhaps, or maybe nonchalance. I find it almost ridiculous that in volunteeringly relinquishing leadership, I expected others to do likewise, and became intolerant toward those who do not. Nonsensical! As clear as things stand now, I was very blinded to it for the longest period. I need to become less of that, and for that MOGLOM needs to come true!
More of God, less of me. That is my prayer, amen!