I feel inspired, and those things were really mind blowing! I loved it, especially seeing how my God moves so mightily amongst His children. It was fantastic!
My first interaction with Wanderlust Productions was probably about half a year back when I watched the trailer for Father of Lights on Youtube. I remember how I had wanted to catch it when it is to be released in the later part of the year, only to be denied by how it's not gonna be shown in Singapore cinema due to its 'explicit' content. Thereafter I rewatched the entire trailer numerous times and reposted it on my wall, until one day before one of my final papers last semester, Blossom told me about Finger of God. I found it online (it was available for only a very short while and has since been taken down when I went back to get it just a few weeks back) and watched it on the eve itself. Then came Furious Love which my Youth Pastor possess a copy of the DVD, and finally today curtesy of Trinity Methodist church, they screened Father of Lights, completing my viewing of the trilogy.
It was so good! They were all so good, really were!
I don't want it to be just that, at least for myself.
To be frank, I've watched Finger of God twice (shared it once with my atheist french lecturer), Furious Love thrice, trailer of Father of Lights numerous times, and today I caught the actual film.
I've had my fair share of feel-good moments. The films were amazing, they have to be, since they were all talking about my mighty Father! I thank God for the wonderful things that He is doing- the works in the remotest parts of the world, the clashing of love with darkness, the transformation in the hearts of men, the faithfulness He has demonstrated through His obedient children, the revolution in the gospel, the penetration of love, the revelation of identity, and the list goes on. So much were captured in the 3 films.
Finger of God came at a time when I was trying to grasp the reality of God in my life, when all seemed unclear. Why don't I hear/see You as clearly as how so many people had shared about You? I know it's possible, but the knowledge didn't translate into conviction. When is it going to happen to me? And then I saw gold teeth, gold dust, precious gems, manna, all within the first 10 minutes of the film. That moment, I knew I had to watch this. And true enough, the realness of my faith came upon me. It was not until 2 weeks back (18 August at Kingdom Culture conference, 4-5 months after) when I had my experience of gold dusts, but the stirring in the heart was real. Coming to 4 years in this faith, but power and authority were novel topics that I have never been exposed to, maybe sensitive as well. This entire period of close to half a year had been revolutionary to me, and it felt like I have rediscovered God, that many watered down teachings had been inconsistent and much had been forced into the mould of acceptability based entirely on human standards.
Furious Love almost came like a byproduct. I was really searching for Father of Lights when I learnt about the availability of Furious Love, but this turned out to be the one film where I found the most revolutionizing about my faith- the realness of the Spiritual realm. Things were beginning to fall into place as bits and pieces of those 'revelations' rocked me as I sat through the film. Love overcomes fear, Love touches the deepest wounds, Love reigns despite sorrow, Love displaces logic, Love saves, Love shines. It's really all about Love! With searching and self-serving intent, men made it hard for themselves, when it really is all about Love- the Love that is bigger and far greater than any fears out there. Yes, there are false teachings to be wary of, yes there is need for repentance, yes bad things happen, yes we ought to seek His will; yet let us not dichotomize and mutually exclude the confidence we have because of this Love. I like how they say Truth is a person because Jesus said He is the Truth, and while discovering Truth, they lost the person. I got reminded of Jude when he said that even archangel Michael dared not pronounce a judgment against the devil, because he knew his place. God judges, and for now we love as He loves. In complementation to Kris Vallotton's "Supernatural Ways of Royalty", I have to guess that I was going somewhere. Christianity starts from knowing who we are, then from who we are we do what we do- to love. What we have in abundance, we lavish upon others; by knowing that we are the direct heirs of the King, the one thing we have in most abundance is His Agape Love. We love because He first loved us, and like a rich man's son, the limitless source ought to help us to love in a radical way. The swedish guy put it very matter-of-factly, "when people are dying, when almost every women in the village had been raped, all the cheap talks in church are not going to help. (rephrased) Jesus is literally all that they have with them." When I heard the worship recording of these people, I teared... Love overcomes fears, even in the most dire of situations. I end this with one of the central theme, God is not interested in picking a fight. He just wants to love. (My take: Love is this overwhelming wave of conquer, no darkness can stand against it, at all)
Father of Lights gave me plenty of expectations from the previous 2. When I heard about its screening, it was almost a no-brainer that I had to go for this. Remember the number of its trailers I had watched? Yes, numerous (in other words, uncountable). It began with a deep yearning. I desire it so much, it's almost like coveting- I covet for that same gift, the daily hearing of His audible voice! I used to tell people that Finger of God is a documentary about miracles while Furious Love is about spiritual warfare, both of which were very appropriate adjectives to describe the respective films. Not so for Father of Lights though. My take after watching it is that this film is about transformation- of life, of person, of thinking, of attitude, of conviction, of faith. A tangible assurance (miracle), a manual to life (spiritual victory), ending off with a promise to obedience (transformation). It is one thing to say that this person has faith, it is a whole different thing to say what this person has faith in.
Father of Lights showcased the many transformed lives that have been won for Him, and won by Him. The radical change is really.. radical! I witness the difference, and am definitely encouraged by how Mike and Deena gave up his vice president position in a bank, sold everything they had, lugging bags of clothes with their 3 children (the oldest being only 8) to a foreign land in China where they don't even speak the language. If not a transformation of the heart, of the conviction and of the faith, what could have inspired such seemingly reckless act? (Deena ever questioned herself, what kind of mother would do that to her kids, leaving behind nice house and comfortable environment, and bringing them into a foreign land where rats roam in their new apartments) Faith doesn't require us to be not resentful, but it requires us to look beyond the resentment and see that all is good because God is good and He is in control and He provides.
The rest of the story? I'll leave you all to watch the films yourselves. It's definitely worth the time!
Tangible assurance, manual to life, transformation. Deep within me is a strong desire to be like those people in the film. I pray for an increase in faith that will allow me to walk the streets like Todd did, and I pray for an abandoning heart like Mike and Deena to forsake all to follow You, and I pray for a sensitive and intimate relationship with You like how Ravi hears You daily. Above all, I pray for a transformation within. It's not about feeling good, or even feeling inspired. Nothing wrong with those, and they are good things. But if I walk away being the same, thinking the same way, filling those spaces once again with life concerns and worries, then why did I even bother to say that I follow You. Lord God, I genuinely believe that You are the same God who stirred up all the wonderful things in the 3 films, and I wanna claim upon those things. In Jesus's name, I seal these things upon the lives of all who have watched them, and I pray that You will move through and amongst them mightily. Pour out Your Love and raise up a generation of Your mighty lovers, and rock the world with this tsunami of Love, which crushes and demolishes whatever strongholds that stand in its way. Lord God, In Jesus's name, I command the departure of fears and doubts. Fill us anew with Your Spirit and make us whole in our service unto You. Amen!
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