Monday, June 25, 2012


2012’s uniqueness to me is unprecedented. I’ve embarked on this journey following a 4-month’s effort to ‘publish’ my own book. Throughout which, a burgeoning potential always blew me off my feet- it’s a genuinely very exciting charge through uncharted ground, learning, unlearning, and relearning about my faith, and my identity as a prince in God’s Kingdom.
My testimony is one of a transformation. I probably had never realized how far-off I was, much less how much potential/ground I would be gaining over the next 6 months.
Kris Vallotton’s “Supernatural Ways or Royalty” challenged my original concept of my faith. And the subsequent sermons and other books, which came along such as John Beveries’ “Relentless”, trekked along the same path. Humility means thinking of us less, not thinking less of ourselves. That to me is a big revelation, having struggled with the issue of arrogance for the past 5 years.
As the adoption of the new identity brings about a newfound character takes place, I recognize changes, and that, have received much affirmation from the people around- how I have become more receptive, how I have become less quick to speak, how I’ve become more courageous.
Beyond that, as I venture into the supernatural realm, crazy things began to erupt in my life, as well as the lives of those around us. Tongues, prophecy, word of knowledge- it felt like us going back to our roots: spiritual beings in a physical body, rather than physical being with a spirit. These revelations helped me to change my perspectives about the fundamentals- the supernatural is normal in a Christian’s life.
All these, I give thanks to our awesome Daddy God, and I look to the future, in full expectation and anticipation of what is to come- it’s going to be a lot!

God’s child,

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