Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Martha Syndrome (struggle)

Martha was feeling aggrieved about her situation. She was busy preparing the table, doing up the decoration, cleaning up the place for the big occasion. I mean, come on, Jesus is in town! Martha was determined to give her best. She was showing Jesus a deserving honour. 
Elsewhere in the bible, the brother of the prodigal son displayed a similar predicament. Spirit of excellence was probably today's equivalence of how he got by. He was trying hard, trying very hard indeed. In fact, in his own words, he was probably doing very well in what he was doing at the point of his brother's return. He thought he was deserving of a celebration for what he had done all the while. 

Isn't that one of modern Christian's phenomenon? Some struggled with it, others thrive along with it; but all these while, one thing suffers: our relationship with God. 

"Mary has chosen for herself that which is good, and no one can take that from her."

Very comforting words, but on reflection, where is the Mary today? How many choose Jesus above our countless other commitments; how many remember to rest upon the feet of the Lord; how many have the same yearning to hear from Him? When we continually justify ourselves using Christianese, self-righteousness creeps in. "Are you going to allow her to just sit there while I slog away? Get her to help me." "I have given you my all, but you never gave me anything to celebrate!" 

Ah, how beautiful is this grace that is from God? 
We choose, and we continually choose. 
It's intentional. It's focused on God. 

Choose for yourself whom you would serve. It's between Papa and us~

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