Thursday, March 20, 2014

9 Counterintuitive Things to Do

The gist of it all: be an overcomer! 

When you are sleepy, wake up earlier. Go for a good morning walk and you will feel much more awake after you entire body system wakes up.

When you are lethargic, go for a jog. The adrenalines rush will put you out of your discomfort.

When you don't feel like doing your work, do it anyways. Let the sense of satisfaction upon completion be your motivation. 

When you feel awkward, uncomfortable doing something, keep trying at it. The new set of skills from the adaptation will carry you a long way. 

When we have little, continue giving. It is better to give than to receive! It is when we have little, when the little means so much more, that joy can come at such a "low" price. 

When everyone is rushing off the bus, to board the train, or to queue for the latest release of an iPhone, don't join in. Take heart on being one of the few "special ones" who don't get suck into conventional flow. Oh, did I forget to mention also- contentment will probably make you feel more awesome than doing any of the aforementioned. Enjoy the simple things in life!

When we don't feel like praying, and when things are going real bad, continue praying and thanking God anyways. This is a very deep level of worship that perhaps only God and you would understand. The ordeal will pass, and you will be glad that you pressed on, through it all.

When there are things that we may not yet understand, don't generate our own conclusion/interpretation and call it facts. It is when we think we know the answer that we stop trying to dig deeper. Admit that we do not know, then perhaps we might have a greater degree of revelation than we would ever expect.

When we are angry, and feel accused, pent it up first. Experts (or someone else) ever mentioned that if we are able to get through the first 5 minutes of being angry without flaring up, the chances of us flaring up thereafter is significantly lowered. Take a deep breath, count to 100 in the head, and remind ourselves intentionally, there's really no need to be angry.

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