Very quickly, very soon, the hype in this particular phase in my life is finally giving way. A return back to the routined. Yet, I continue to pray and year for You, that You will continue to speak, and continue to draw me close to You. Daddy, it has been a wonderful period to sense and feel and seek, but Lord, I just want to continue to build from there. May Your guidance be upon my path, that I will follow where You have gone, and I will do what You have instructed!
Daddy, I want to pray for myself. During this season of turning 21, I have learnt to see, and I have learnt to perceive. That indeed in our mistakes You can do so much more than what our efforts to do right can accomplish. So Lord, I continue to trust in You and hope for You, that I may grow closer to You in every area in my life.
Daddy, I also want to pray for Poiema, that as the group begins to settle, Lord, You will open up opportunities for Your transformation to take place. Indeed each will have their own season, and each will proceed at their own pace, but Lord, You are in control and by Your intervention, I cling on to the hope of a revival and a breakthrough. So Lord, I just want to commit the entire Poiema into Your mighty hands. Take us to a new level of relationship with You, and guide us in every decision making.
Lord, by Your leading, I wanna pray for J. Lord, indeed You have given him much, and I thank You for the plans You have for him, that You will use Him mightily in the accomplishment of Your works. Lord, I just want to pray that You will continue to mould him. Indeed he is still young and he is still raw in many areas, but Lord, I just pray for Your Holy guidance, that You will help him discern right from wrong. Lord, help him to look to You and identify that it is indeed Your grace and mercy that have made possible the accomplishment of much. Let him not be swayed by the values of the world, and grow him in the area of spiritual leadership, that You will help him to become more and more like you each day. Humble him, for indeed I acknowledge Your words that those who wants to lifted up have to humble himself. So Lord, work with his ego and quash his pride a little. I trust that You will not give him beyond what he can take. So Lord, I pray for all these to be done, in Your own timing.
Finally Lord, I pray for myself. The transition of seasons. As I step from one into the other, I pray for Your revelation and guidance, that I will not lose my way in You. So Lord, speak, Lord. Help me to know Your ways, and help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. I commit myself wholly unto Your hands, and pray that You will lead me onto the path You have designed for me. Use me the ways You have designed for me to use, Lord!
In Jesus's most mighty and Holy name,
Your child,
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