Sunday, November 27, 2011

89-prodigal son

Thank you for the camp, really! For a long period of time, I have forsaken what I like and the camp really brought back a lot of those memories! Thank You Father! 
Sickness and discomfort aside, even the impending anxiety and nerves from the papers 2 days later too aside, right now at this moment I just wanna talk to You so much! So often, I would just go in circles and give the generics and yesterday it suddenly just dawned on me that I lack the specifics. Dislike*
If possible Lord, will You just mould me in all of these aspects. Just like Skitguy's God's Chisel, I ought not to be making any personal request in the moulding process, but will You just look at me Lord. I commit myself to Your hands and pray hard (x1000) that however You will change me, let me be a willing party, and let me see Your purpose in every changes I will go through!

In Christ's name,
Your son,

Away from Your face I turned my back,
trusting in my own strength to play life's deck.
A void grew; that missing heart,
Your grace shown; an undeserving part.

Luke 15:20
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

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