Sunday, November 20, 2011

Letters to God

God works in many ways, and who says this may not just be one of them. Lead me, Lord.

Dear God,
I thank You for Tyler. He's been a blessing. So much pain and so much sufferings, You've put Him through a lot, but only You know how much he could take. Now that he's with You, I have only praise and thanks for You. Like what Sam had mentioned, "Tyler's life is a letter to God"".

I've learnt genuineness in relationships, true caring, true love, and above all to always ask myself how would Jesus act in whatever situation that I may be put in. Right now, I just want to pray that this letter is not one that is written on impulse, but really, a spark to ignite my passion for You. To have You in all my perspectives, and to have You in every aspect of my life.

It is such a wonderful thing to write letter to you, "ït's just like  texting your best friend." Lord, let this not be a chore but a genuine longing for You. Indeed wherever You may be, that is the best place to seek an answer. Lord, I'm filled with so many question marks, but I trust that You'll reveal them all to me in Your own time.

What have I been doing with my life? Lord, I pray for You to take over. Yes Lord, I offer my life to You. And wherever it may be, where Your voice is not heard, let me speak of Your goodness; where Your presence is not felt, let Your love flow through me. It's a long process, sometimes too difficult to sustain, but Lord, like Tyler, I trust that You would not put me through more than what I can take. Wherever You may place me, Lord, just change me, so that I can be more like You. Change me, so that people see You through me. Change me, so that I can forget about whatever self-gratification thoughts that I may have in my mind.

Today's the special 98, and this 100 days, I'm beginning to believe that You're gonna do something wonderful through it all.

In Jesus's name, Amen!

In bountiful love,
Your child,

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