Monday, January 16, 2012

39- burgeoning excitement

Perhaps it is just a bit of discomfort, but a lot more of a reminder. I thank You for the scar, that Your protection has not only protected me from harm, but also given me a mark, one that guards and hides me away from repeating the mistake. I want to be sure and certain and stay faithful to that conviction, that I am through with the past. 
Thank You for being there amongst us, Lord. For us to pray for one another, and for the leaders to pray for each of the Poiema members. I certainly feel very encouraged and ministered by the session, and I am not sure if I have heard correctly, but those sensing, I pray for them to become clearer each time I draw close to You. Let it not be my own imagination or mere sentiments, but really each image and each sound, let it be a vision of Yours or Your own voice speaking. Help us be sensitive to Your words, and help us to be responsive to them as well.
Lord, I want to pray for Ryan, Benjamin, Eleanor, Timothy and Keith. Each of these young lives, I give you thanks. All of them have come far in their own strive with You, and I just want to pray for You to work through them. Let Your glory shine through them and make them a people after Your heart.
Lord, I want to pray by name for Ryan. As these kids come under my wings Lord, help me to love them. As a shepherd is to a group of helpless sheep, I pray for You to work through me. Grant me the wisdom, and grant me discerning ears, that indeed I will be able to guide them onto the right path that runs after You! Lord I thank You for such maturity in Ryan, that You have endowed upon Him responsibility at such a tender age. Help him be a Timothy, young yet not fearful; anointed yet not boastful; tormented yet faithful. Lord, let him speak Your truth and draw him away from all evils. This is Your masterpiece, and I speak growth in Your name, that as he continues to spend more time with us, he will continue to grow in this faith, and be a blessing to his family.
Lord, I want to also pray for Benjamin. You know Your child, and he may not be the most expressive boy, but You know his heart- one that is tender and meek, one that reaches out to the young and the weak. Lord, I pray for You to raise him up. Raise his confidence level, and grant him favor in building relationships. Lord, I pray for You to mature his heart, and really just breathe Your words unto him. As he continues to seek You and look up to You, Lord, may You bless this boy in his walk with You, that he will be drawn closer to You than ever!
As for Eleanor, I thank You for this special lady, one whom blister with such huge potential. All good things on earth come from You, and as I lead her, Lord, I pray for You to guide her. Mould her heart and transform her into Your likeness! I pray for a revelation within, a transformation within, a realization within, that You will wrestle her away from the ways of the world, and may the gifts and the huge potential You have bestowed upon her be used as means to do Your great works! In Your name I want to bless Eleanor, that You will grant her favor amongst people. That in this new dynamics, You will help her to become more sensitive both spiritually and emotionally, and let her be a vessels to perform Your transformation. I pray for receptive hearts and open minds, that we will learn to love and look beyond what we see.
Lord, I also want to pray for Keith. Thank You for this mature boy. He has gone through much at a young age, and I thank You for the strength You have given him for You do not give beyond what we can take. So Lord, I pray for You to stir up a new revival, a new desire from within, that You will help him to see the need of meaningful fellowship. Help him to step up, and help him to recognize a special identity You have given him in Your name. Lord, I pray for Keith that he will continue to grow in You abundantly. I release this young boy into Your hands and trust that You will guide him along righteous path, and that in this new environment he will be Your mouthpiece to spread the Good News. Lord, You are the God of excellence, so I pray for You to continue to develop Keith.
Lord, I want to pray for Timothy. Thank You for this encouragement, that in times of doubt, his simple faith always point towards Your glory and Your goodness. Lord, I pray for Timothy that in this new dynamics, he will be able to hone and grow in his maturity level in You. As we dwell amongst the younger ones, let them be an encouragement to us as much as we are mentors to them. I pray for Timothy that You will talk to him and reveal Your unique plan for him. I commit him into Your holy hands, that You will guide him and guard him against all evil. Lord, I pray in Your name for Your wisdom and discernment to be upon him as he takes up more responsibilities in life to make decisions. Lord, I want to bless this brother with the gift of wisdom, that he truly will be revelation of Your words to the group.
Finally Lord, I want to pray for Joseph. Thank You for being such an important figure in his development, that even when he seems to be getting out of hands, Lord You always grant him the silent humility to learn and change. Lord, I pray for his cell and my cell in togetherness. Lord, I trust in Your plan and thank You for revealing to us much via Your children. Lord, I continue to pray for our cells, and cry out for Your revelation. Clear the dark patch and help us to see. Lord if anything is of You, give us the confidence that You will be there with us in all that we do. Let us not see as the world sees, but help us to pick up the spiritual spectacles to see through Your eyes. Lord, I release Joseph into Your Holy hands. Lord, humble him and hone him. Help him to love the unlovable, and help him to enjoy the peace in following You.
In Jesus's most precious name I pray,
Your child,
By name I commit them into Your hands;
trusting fully in Your Holy plans.
Pure sheep,
Yours to keep.
Actively we seek for Your purpose to unfold;
Gladly, in Your love and grace our lives are hold.

John 21: 15- 17
""When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?"
"Yes Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."
Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you love me?"
He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
The third time He said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?"
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."Jesus said, "feed my sheep."

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